Certified Public Accountant: What the CPA Credential Means (2025)

What Is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)?

A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a licensed professional who has passed an examination administered by a state's Board of Accountancy.

State CPA exams are created under guidelines issued by The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). The Uniform CPA Exam can only be taken by accountants who already have professional experience in the field and a bachelor's degree.

Other countries have equivalent certifications, notably the chartered accountant (CA) designation created in Scotland and now used in many countries.

Key Takeaways

  • The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a professional designation given to qualified accountants.
  • To become a CPA, you must pass a rigorous exam, known as the Uniform CPA Exam.
  • Certified Public Accountants must meet education, work, and examination requirements—including holding a bachelor’s degree typically, but not required to be, in business administration, finance, or accounting, and completing 150 hours of education.
  • Other requirements for the CPA designation include having two or more years of experience in public accounting.
  • CPAs generally hold various positions in public and corporate accounting, as well as executive positions, such as the controller or chief financial officer (CFO).

Role and Responsibilities of a CPA

Not all accountants are CPAs. Accountants who are CPAs are licensed by their state's Board of Accountancy after passing the Uniform CPA Exam.

CPAs prepare reports that accurately reflect the business dealings of the companies and individuals that hire them. Many prepare tax returns for individuals or businesses and advise them on ways to minimize taxes.

Obtaining the CPA designation requires a bachelor’s degree, typically with a major in business administration, finance, or accounting. Other majors are acceptable if the applicant meets the minimum requirements for accounting courses.

Candidates are required to complete 150 hours of education and have no fewer than two years of public accounting experience. To receive the CPA designation, a candidate also must pass the Uniform CPA Exam.

Keeping the CPA designation requires completing a number of continuing education hours.

The CPA Exam

The CPA exam is a 16-hour exam consisting of four sections, each of which must be completed in four hours. The exam consists of three core sections that must be completed and one discipline section. Candidates can choose from three discipline sections.

The three core sections are:

  • Financial Accountingand Reporting (FAR)
  • Auditing and Attestation (AUD)
  • Taxation and Regulation (REG)

The three discipline sections of which a candidate must choose one are:

  • Business Analysis and Reporting (BAR)
  • Information Systems and Controls (ISC)
  • Tax Compliance and Planning (TCP)

Each section consists of a different number of multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations. For example, AUD consists of 78 multiple-choice questions and seven task-based simulations.

It takes a score of at least 75% to pass the exam. The pass rates are low, with three out of the six possible sections having pass rates below 50%. The hardest section is BAR, with a pass rate of 41.04%. The easiest section is TCP, with a pass rate of 78.16%.

Candidates have four hours to complete each section, with a total exam time of 16 hours. Each section is taken individually, and candidates can choose the order in which they take them but must pass all four sections of the exam within 18 months.

International equivalency exams are offered so that CPAs can work in countries other than the one in which they were certified.

CPA Career Paths

CPAs have a wide range of career options available in public accounting (that is, working for an accounting firm), corporate accounting (working inside a company), or government service. Individuals with the CPA designation can also move into executive positions such as controller or chief financial officer (CFO).

Regardless of their employer, most CPAs compile, maintain, and review financial statements and related transactions. Many CPAs file tax forms or returns for individuals and businesses.CPAs are authorized to perform and sign off on audits.

Though known for their role in income tax preparation, CPAs can specialize in other areas such as auditing, bookkeeping, forensic accounting, managerial accounting, and even aspects of information technology (IT).

A CPA license isn’t required to work in corporate accounting or for private companies. However, public accountants⁠—individuals working for firms such as Deloitte or Ernst & Young that provide accounting and tax-related services to businesses—must hold CPA designations.

CPA Ethics

Certified Public Accountants are subject to a code of ethics. The AICPA requires that all CPA designation holders adhere to the Code of Professional Conduct, which lays out the ethical standards CPAs must adhere to.

The Enron scandal is an example of CPAs not adhering to the code. Arthur Andersen company executives and CPAs were charged with illegal and unethical accounting practices.

Federal and state laws require CPAs to maintain independence when performing audits and reviews. While consulting at Enron, Arthur Andersen CPAs did not maintain independence and performed both consulting services and auditing services, which violates the CPA code of ethics.

The CPA designation became more important after the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002, which was passed partly in response to corporate financial scandals like the Enron affair.


To give yourself the best chance possible when taking the exam, consider taking one of thebest CPA prep courses.

History of the CPA Designation

In 1887, a group of accountants created the American Association of Public Accountants (AAPA) to define moral standards for the accounting industry and U.S. auditing standards for local, state, and federal governments, private companies, and nonprofits.

Renamed several times over the years, the organization has been known as the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) since 1957. The first CPAs received licenses in 1896.

In 1934, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) required all publicly traded companies to file periodic financial reports endorsed by members of the accounting industry.

The AICPA established accounting standards until 1973 when the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) was launched to set standards for private companies.

The accounting industry thrived in the late 1990s due to the expansion of large accounting firms into various forms of consulting. The Enron scandal in 2001 resulted in major changes in the accounting industry, not least the collapse of Arthur Andersen, one of the nation’s top accounting firms.

Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act passed in 2002, accountants have been subject to tougher restrictions concerning their consulting assignments.

What Are the Responsibilities of a CPA?

CPAs compile, maintain, and review financial statements and related transactions. They also prepare tax returns for individuals and businesses.They are authorized to perform audits.

Some CPAs specialize in areas like forensic accounting, personal financial planning, and taxation.

A CPA is required to complete continuing education requirements and uphold a standard of professional ethics.

What Can CPAs Do That Accountants Cannot?

A CPA is an accountant who has earned a professional credential. Their main responsibilities are the same and involve preparing or reviewing financial documentation for businesses or individuals.

CPAs are authorized to take on certain other roles. These include performing audits of public U.S. companies and preparing audited financial statements for a company, such as a balance sheet or an income statement.

Which Is Better: an MBA or a CPA?

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is an academic degree in management. If you are interested in starting or running a business, the MBA program will help you prepare.

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is a license for working accountants that signals a degree of professional expertise. If you are an accountant or want to be one, it's a valuable tool to help you move up the ladder.

Is Becoming a CPA Worth It?

Earning the CPA credential is a big time commitment, and the exam is challenging. Still, those with a CPA earn 25% more, on average, than non-CPA accountants. Also, accountants with a CPA certification tend to advance to positions of more responsibility within one to two years and often are promoted to senior-level jobs within a few years after that.

The Bottom Line

You can be an accountant without being a Certified Public Accountant, but earning a CPA license adds a valuable credential to your resume. It means you've passed a nationally recognized test that has been modified to reflect your state's regulations. It opens the way to jobs that other accountants can't take on, such as performing audits of public companies.

Certified Public Accountant: What the CPA Credential Means (2025)


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